Monday, December 23, 2013

Crypto currency beginner tutorial.

I put together a tutorial for beginners and individuals who don't want to risk any money but still want to learn and get involved. I hope everyone finds it useful. Donations are appreciated. If you have comments on how I can improve this tutorial or see an issue with the tutorial let me know.
Happy Holidays.!AANDySiS!CmvS0kKoY4_Et6U8joJNi3rjQUh900VDhU4FKtbh4Ys

Donations appreciated

Who are you? Contest!

Send me a picture of yourself holding a sign that says "I am SATOSHI"

This is a statement that you are ready for a fundamental shift in the way the world works

I am unfortunately recently unemployed just before the holidays and currently anxiety ridden and

bored so I am starting this contest.

I will be giving away 1 LTC, 1PTS, and 100 EMU (After release of course)

I will also send half of the donations received to the person who comes up with the best Acronym for

NAKAMOTO, This acronym must have a central theme of equality and humanity.

Though, if its relevant and witty I will consider your entries as well.

I know... I said only half of the donations, I'm kinda unemployed during the holidays.  : /

If you are a winner of the acronym I may use it in further promotion of human equality or crypto currency.
  Donations appreciated

Sick                                                                           And
Severe                                                                        Human                                                                Inequality                                                                                                           

I dont know about everyone else, but...


This contest will expire after to first 100 pictures are received or until EMU release
(whatever comes first). The first person to send your picture
will receive one litecoin. the 100th person will receive one PTS and the Acronym winner will receive 100 EMU on release and half of the donations received. Good luck. Will pay first and last entries after this contest closes. 

Here are a couple pics to start things off.

I was going to add a few more funny pics but I need to go make dinner for the family. :)

I might do a contest for funniest Photoshop SATOSHI pic, if I get enough
entries and donations. Presidents, Popes, celebrities, whatever, just have fun and make people laugh.

Also, I have a dark sense of humor so I don't mind even if the person you choose is a little inappropriate. lol

Send entries to   Please submit your LTC and PTS address with your entries and a way to contact you for future EMU after release.

Happy Holidays!!  I hope everyone is having a good holiday season. :)